2021-2022 Cohort

Meet Our 2022 Cohort

  • “WHO IS SHE?”

    How should I define myself; do I take the position of almighty and success, or should I edge onward with grace and earnesty. Will this affirmation be enough to share my story of who I am? Or should I categorize it under who I’m becoming. Nonetheless, allow yourself to indulge me.

    I am a Creator with a means to stretch my arms like the morning sun, horizons glowing with the warmth of my ideas and my presence; similar to the smile I love to allocate with the people of this world. To be heard from a voice that doesn’t shed its virtue, joy, and integrity. I live up to my name’s standard, unified and balanced.

    Ethical in nature, a power to be reckoned with. My melanin tells its story, just beyond the grasp of the history; from my birth till my young adolescence, although I insist that my actions speak for themselves. Bound to this fate, I’m mindful.

    Like essential oils and honey, I create my own comfort, I am my own sacred space; but I don’t mind sharing it for a little while.

    I love, loving. No designated quantity or quality could define this decree. My intimacy with my ancestors, spirit guides, friends, family, and self is lavish, and for this, I give my everything.

    I am my manifestations; a model, creative director, an artist, my higher self. I adore the way everything is coming together and do not allow myself to fall short on the mental negative ambiance. I am what I offer and will continue to come as I am, good vibes, self-love, and the enjoyment of being.

    Mind. Body. Soul. Me.

    “I Am Trinity”

  • I am a Capricorn. This isn’t all of me, but then again it is.

    Something about the placement of the moon and stars when I was born in combination with the month and day had a hand in making me who I am, and that is comforting sometimes. Other times it scares me, because it feels as though I don’t have full control over what I do or who I become, that it’s all predetermined by that same moon and stars. As a person who likes control, and strives for it even above happiness on occasion, the concept of destiny does not appeal to me.

    I am smart, but more so I am witty. I use my intelligence in everyday life combined with my unique sense of humor, and wit is the only word I can think of that describes the effect. I am both a listener and a speaker, and I believe I do both well.

    I love others deeply, but not loudly.

    I hope for success. The definition of this word has changed over time, but currently it means I want to make a difference. I want to use the power that I have and expand it to blanket those who are powerless in a sense of security and strength.


  • Simply put, I am a researcher mesmerized by the complexities of the world.

    Writing has always been a part of my life. When I was younger, I struggled with public speaking. My voice would tremble, my hands would shake, and my face would turn bright red. I found comfort in writing, as it allowed me to communicate my opinions without worrying about my appearance. With writing, I’m judged solely on my ideas rather than my anxiety.

    While on my journey to find my truest self, I’ve learned the strength and power that my words can hold. I’m taking the time to grow and evolve into the best version of myself that I can be. I’ve learned that I am more than my anxiety and that my voice has a right to be heard, even if it trembles at times.

    I wish to use my power to empower others and to speak up for those who are unable to speak up for themselves. I want to be an advocate for social justice, diversity, and inclusion to create a more equitable society for everyone in it.

    Every soul has a story, and I believe every story has the right to be heard.

  • Why do they pluck the rose,

    Knowing of her thorns?

    They place her in a vase,

    a smothering glass confinement,

    obstructive to her growth.

    Don’t you know that I am free?

    I see right through you.

    I wear my petals as a crown,

    But won’t let you forget

    that my truth can be sharp.

    I shatter the glass,

    With my words and stories,

    Which you tried to bury.

    Don’t you know that I am free?

    Why do they stomp upon the rosebush

    Knowing that even the dust will rise?

    With potential beyond mountaintops,

    She does not fear her size.

    Don't you know that I am free?

    Unrestrained in my excellence,

    unwilling to shrivel up

    And sink down into the earth.

    Why do they leave her to burn in their sun?

    Wilted and tired,

    under an oppressive blanket of doubt.

    Don't you know that I am free?

    That I will plant the seeds of revolution,

    of Black beauty, faith, and abundance?

    That I will rain down,

    showering, nurturing the soil in my truth?

    I no longer ask why,

    but instead look to my roots,

    to the garden of culture,

    A layer of bronzed skin

    Which I have little interest in shedding.

  • I am life and energy. I have the ability to direct my energy to where I please. I choose to direct it towards the things that fulfill me. Things like my friends, family, film, reading, acting, exploring, creating, problem-solving, peace-making, and helping others. These all define who I am and what I want to do.

    I want to use my voice and power to benefit the world around me. I am not the type of person to sit back and let negative things unfold when I know I can do something about it. Cultivating my voice and power will allow me to properly create the change I seek to make.

    I hope for a happy, long, and fulfilling life. I want to be able to look back on my life when I’m very old and smile knowing that I am satisfied with how it played out, despite the hardships faced.


We are a group of authentic individuals dedicated to the empowerment of Black people through the use of our voices as a tool for change. We are mutually aware of our inherent worth, and strive to uplift others into seeing it for themselves by creating representations of Black joy, Black abundance, and Black power.

Their Project


Their Project 〰️

Over the course of their second semester, the 2022 cohort of The Arts and Activism Youth Apprenticeship ideated, wrote, art directed, shot and directed their very own short film that they titled, Our Need To Dream.

Our Need to Dream explores the freedom-dreams of two Black high school students as it relates to their hopes for themselves and for their community.

It invites viewers to consider:

How are we honoring and protecting our dreams?

How can we cultivate freedom for ourselves and for our people?

Watch Our Need To Dream

Learn about the 2020 Cohort